The zone therapy chart

The body is divided into ten longitudinal zones, which provide 0 simple numbering sequence. Eoch toe falls into one zone, and there are five zones in each foot, with the big toe as zone one, through to the little toe, w hich is zone five; the fingers link up to the zones in the same way. Zones are distributed up the body like slices, and when you work on the feet, you are automatically working through the whole of the human body.
The pr incip le is that, within these zones, ene rgy runs up and down between all the par ts of the body. This energy connection should be free-flowing, in order that all the parts of the body - argans, muscles, nerves, glands and blood supply - work in harmony and at the opti mum level for good health . If there is a block of the body's natural energy, it will have an effect on any organ or part of the body that lies within that part icular zone.

Balancing the zones 

If a reflexologist finds sensitivity in one spot of the feet or hands, this indica tes that there is an imbalance in the entire length of that zone. For example, if someone is suffering from conjunctivitis in the right eye, zone therapy would suggest that this creates an energy imbalance in the right kidney and in any other bodily structure lying in that zone, causing it not to function as effectively as it should. Each organ or part of the body is represented on the hands and feel.
Massaging or pressing each area can stimulate the flow of energy, blood, nutrients and ne rve impulses to the carresponding body zone, and thereby re lieve ailments in that zone. The reflexes on the feet and hands are effective because they are situated at the ends of the zones and are therefore more sensi tive than other parts of the body.
